Environmental Allergy Treatment

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in individuals experiencing symptoms of environmental allergies, even among those who have never previously reported such issues. Consequently, the demand for anti-histamines has skyrocketed. However, reliance on these medications can lead to exhaustion due to their side effects, and over time, individuals may become tolerant to their effects, diminishing their efficacy.Traditional allergy treatment often involves allergy de-sensitization through injections of allergenic substances, but this approach can be painful, inconvenient, and not always effective. Moreover, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to these injections, prompting a shift away from this method by allergists.

SLIT Therapy for Allergies

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) presents a newer therapeutic model that offers promise. This approach involves administering diluted allergens, such as grass, orally on a daily basis for several months. By gradually exposing the immune system to these allergens, SLIT aims to desensitize the body and reduce allergic responses over time.

Many individuals may be unaware of their specific allergies, making scratch testing a valuable diagnostic tool. Trained naturopathic doctors can utilize scratch testing effectively in practice to identify allergies and determine suitable SLIT treatments. Additionally, SLIT treatments are often covered by prescription drug plans, making them accessible to many patients.

Furthermore, food sensitivities and allergies often coexist with environmental allergies. Testing for these triggers can contribute to comprehensive allergy management. Conditions like eczema and asthma are frequently linked to allergies, and improvements in one condition may lead to benefits in others.