The Prevalence of Iron Deficiency: Addressing the Issue

One out of every four women suffers from iron deficiency, a problem that often goes unnoticed and untreated. Symptoms such as fatigue, cold sensitivity, brain fog, hair loss, weakness, and shortness of breath are commonly associated with iron deficiency. If you experience these symptoms, it’s crucial to get tested, and we can provide that service at Gravity Health.

The Challenge of Maintaining Iron Levels

Maintaining adequate iron levels through diet alone can be challenging since iron absorption is influenced by various factors, making it an easily blocked mineral. Furthermore, some individuals do not respond effectively to oral iron supplementation. If your ferritin levels consistently remain low, like 27, it’s not considered optimal. Additionally, the loss of iron due to menstrual bleeding over time exacerbates the problem, leading to an epidemic of iron deficiency. On average, each menstrual cycle results in a daily iron loss of approximately 1 mg.

Infusions vs. Oral Iron: Why Choose Infusions?

Oral iron supplements are not always well-tolerated due to side effects and often have poor compliance rates. It can take six to twelve months to achieve normal iron levels, assuming the underlying cause of deficiency is addressed. Many individuals find it frustrating to achieve optimal iron levels through oral supplementation. In contrast, infusions provide a safe and effective alternative, typically requiring only a single infusion for individuals who are unable to effectively absorb oral iron.

Addressing Iron Deficiency Before Conception

Ensuring normal iron levels before conception is essential for an optimal start to pregnancy. Many women with iron deficiency receive an infusion prior to conception to ensure their iron levels are at their best.

Managing Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Pregnant women can lose up to 1,000 mg of iron throughout their pregnancy, and by the third trimester, up to 65% of women experience iron deficiency. Failing to correct iron deficiency during pregnancy can have adverse effects on both the mother and the baby. Infusions during the second and third trimesters are safe and recommended. If you reach 30 weeks of pregnancy and still have iron deficiency, there may not be enough time to correct it with oral iron supplements. Iron deficiency is a risk factor for preterm delivery, low birth weight, and post-delivery infant health.

Addressing Iron Deficiency Postpartum

During vaginal delivery, women can lose an additional 250 mg of iron, while C-sections result in a loss of 500 mg. The postpartum period is already challenging for energy levels and mental health, and adding iron deficiency to the equation can unnecessarily exacerbate the difficulties.

Iron Infusions: Fast, Safe, and Effective

Iron infusions offer a rapid, safe, and highly effective way to improve your daily life and overall health. It can be as simple as a single infusion with long-lasting benefits. Consult your healthcare provider to determine if iron infusions at Gravity Health are a suitable option for you. Additionally, iron infusions are often covered by extended health plans, and we collaborate with pharmacies to streamline the prescription, coverage, and delivery processes, ensuring prompt infusion.