The buzz surrounding Ozempic and its weight loss counterparts has reached significant proportions, sparking debates about who qualifies and deserves access to such support. However, it’s crucial to understand that the decision to prescribe medications like Ozempic for weight loss should be a conversation between patients and their healthcare providers, rather than a matter for social media commentary or popular trends.

Let’s delve into the topic.

These medications are powerful and valuable tools that extend beyond mere appetite suppression. Ozempic, for instance, contains semaglutide, a selective glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. Its mechanism of action involves increasing glucose-dependent insulin secretion, reducing inappropriate glucagon secretion, slowing gastric emptying, and even influencing the areas of the brain responsible for appetite and caloric intake.

In essence, these medications offer diverse benefits to different bodily functions, addressing why our metabolism may not respond effectively to lifestyle changes alone, such as exercise and adopting a “healthy” diet. Understanding these mechanisms can provide insight into the profound impact they can have on our overall health.

It’s essential to recognize that the thresholds used to determine if someone is overweight or obese can vary among populations. What may be considered a BMI of 24 for one person could be equivalent to a BMI of 30 for another. Health consequences differ across various populations, and it’s important to acknowledge that these standards cannot be universally applied. Body composition is subject to a range of factors, including ethnicity, and we must avoid imposing a single set of standards on everyone.

Furthermore, numerous factors affect our metabolism uniquely. Stress, for instance, can influence metabolic processes differently in each individual. Similarly, perimenopause can have varied effects on our metabolism. It’s crucial to acknowledge and consider these individual differences when assessing the impact of different therapies.

In the current world filled with abundant stressors, it’s comforting to know that we have available agents that can help us manage the effects of stress on our bodies. Despite their best efforts, some individuals struggle to lose weight, lower their cholesterol, regulate their blood sugar levels, or reduce inflammation. In such cases, external assistance can be invaluable.

Discriminating against individuals seeking a useful tool like Ozempic to improve their lives would be unfair. Access to therapies for weight loss, if desired by the individual, should not be denied. It is essential to engage in open conversations with healthcare providers, such as your trusted Gravity Health doc, who are more than willing to discuss these options and provide guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Dr. Bobby Parmar ND RAc